
It’s Official: beBee Producer Crushes Linkedin Pulse for Engagement

It’s Official: beBee Producer Crushes Linkedin Pulse for Engagement 

In today’s highly competitive world of article writing, everyone is looking for the best platform to have their work viewed, discussed and shared. So, I decided to perform a simple test on two of the largest professional network blogging platforms.

Three weeks ago I posted my highly successful Entrepreneur article “8 Reasons How a Powerful Personal Brand Will Make You Successful” on beBee Producer and Linkedin Pulse blogging platforms on the same date, at the same time.

Here’s the link to the article on Linkedin.


Here’s the link to the article on beBee.

The results are quite shocking. On Linkedin, with my 29,600 followers, my article received 41 likes, one comment and 5 shares. That’s an overall engagement rate to followers of a miniscule 0.15%. On beBee, with my 1,188 followers, my article received 54 relevant, 21 comments and 3,100 views. That’s an overall engagement rate to followers of 267%. The percentage is more than 100% on beBee because my article was shared in relevant Hives (e.g., Social Media, Directors & Executives, etc.) where people who aren’t following me, but have interest in this subject matter, can view it. That’s the power of affinity networking and a non-suppressed algorithm.

And if that doesn’t convince you that beBee Producer crushes Linkedin Pulse, check out this Google search on my article:

Within hours of posting, the beBee producer article was on the first page of Google (and there for days afterwards) – even considering this article was very popular and shared all over the Internet.

So if you want to maximize engagement on your articles, it’s time to create some Honey for yourself on beBee producer and enjoy the buzz your article will get and the success that will follow.

Follow Matt on Twitter @MSweetwood and Follow Matt on beBee @MSweetwood


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