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How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Car

How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Car

Most people drive every day. It gets you from A to B without hassle. However, driving can also be dangerous. When you drive with your kids in the car, you put them at risk every day. It only takes one patch of ice, one faulty brake, or one distracted truck driver for a serious accident to occur. If you have been involved in an accident of this nature, contact an Orlando truck accident lawyer – the larger the opposing vehicle, the more serious the consequences may be.  

Driving with kids in the car can be difficult, as they can easily distract you. You worry about their safety, so you want to ensure that nothing could go wrong. Here are some ways to keep your kids safe while driving.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Car seats

All children should have car seats until the age of 12 – or 135 cm tall. Why? Car seats keep children safely bucked into the vehicle and ensure that they can’t slide from under the seatbelt. They also help to prevent any serious injuries in the case of an accident. So, keep your kids safe in the car by making sure they have the best quality car seat. This is a law in every US state.

Child safety locks

Every parent should think about installing child safety locks in their car. These prevent children from opening the passenger doors from the inside when they’re sitting in the back. Kids love to press buttons and fiddle with things, so they might be tempted to open the door without realizing what they’re doing or understanding that it might be dangerous. Child safety locks eliminate this option and keep your kids safe. 

Tie up pets

A beloved family pet might come in the car with you when you’re out and about. And that’s fine. However, a pet let loose in the car could be dangerous. Not only might the animal distract you, but it could cause a danger to your child. So, if you’re driving the dog to the park, make sure it is in the boot and either tied or in a cage. It might feel mean, but safety is the most important thing.

Don’t allow food

Kids get cranky when they’re hungry, so it might be tempting to allow them to eat in the car. However, this can cause dangers you might not be aware of. If you have to brake suddenly because of a hazard, your child could choke on the food they’re eating. So, when hunger calls, stop the car and find a rest stop.


How do audiobooks keep your children safe in the car? It’s simple. They keep them occupied. By giving your child something to listen to, they will be less bored and tempted to mess around in the car. This gives you a chance to drive safely and not get distracted by them.

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