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Feeling Depressed – But Not Sure Why?

Feeling Depressed – But Not Sure Why?

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Depression often has an obvious cause such as trauma or a sense of failure in life. However, there are other times when we may feel depressed without there being an obvious reason why. Below are a few possible reasons as to why you may be feeling down and empty.

Past triggers

If you’ve suffered from depression in the past, there is always a risk that it can resurface. Depression can often be an underlying condition and it only takes one toxic thought to get you back in that dark place. This could be triggered by something very small. To prevent yourself digging up depressed thoughts from the past, you should try to continuously remind yourself that you are a new person now and that you are in a better place. That previous version of you is not who you are now – take steps to detach yourself from them and leave them in the past. 

Hormonal imbalance

Our hormone levels can have a big impact on the way we feel. Many women get depressed during pregnancy or menopause – or even when having a regular period – because hormone levels are all over the place. Men can meanwhile suffer from similar issues like low testosterone that can lead to depression, as detailed here at Men’s Revival. Sometimes a hormonal imbalance can be a chronic issue, which may require treatment. It’s worth seeing a medical professional to see if this is the cause.  They may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep and depression often form a vicious cycle. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it can be worth taking steps to improve your sleep quantity and quality. If you’re currently getting only a few hours of sleep per night, consider finding ways to get more sleep such as going to bed earlier or taking naps to catch up on sleep. If you’re having a hard time getting to sleep, why consider some of these tips for helping to beat insomnia at On Health.  

Poor diet

There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that our diet can affect our mental health. Foods that are rich in nutrients can be better for the brain and help improve our mood. Such foods can also be good for the gut – which also plays an important part in our mood by helping to produce serotonin. Consider cutting down on processed foods that are high in sugar and fat and eating more nutritious foods like fruit, vegetables and fish to see if there is a change. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder which causes them to feel depressed during certain periods of the year. SAD most commonly affects people in winter due to the lack of sunlight – the body produces higher levels of melatonin and gets less vitamin D during these months. 

Completion of goals

Completing a goal is something that is meant to make us feel happy, but sometimes it can be bittersweet. A great success can often mean the end of a chapter – and may leave you with a sense of emptiness. The key to beating this form of depression is to keep setting new goals. Always have a new challenge on the horizon.

Feeling Depressed – But Not Sure Why?

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