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Your Kids Are Watching: Prepare Them For The World

Your Kids Are Watching: Prepare Them For The World

Your kids are watching. Everything you do, everything you say, your kids are watching and that means that you have got to think about what you’re doing. Every time you do something you need to think about what you are doing, what you are saying, how they would take that and so on. Kids are very easily influenced and you need to make sure that you are being the best influence that you can be. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you should be doing to prepare them for the world, so if you’re interested in finding out more, read on.

Raise Confident Kids

The first thing that we’re going to say is that you should be trying to raise confident kids. Now, it’s true that there are some who won’t take to this too much and there’s not much that you can do other than your best to help them with their confidence. However, confidence when taught from a young age becomes a part of their personality, and that’s what we need to see more of in children. Positive confidence is massively important as it will help them through their life, making them more secure.

In order to raise confident kids, you’re going to have to not helicopter parent which can be tough. They have to learn at some point, and they need to be able to stand on their own two feet. But, you can’t raise confidence if you don’t have any, can you? Not really because your kids will notice that you aren’t, and this will cause confusion.

Let Them Make Mistakes

It is essential to the development of your children that you are letting them make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, and there was always someone who knew better, but that’s not the point. We learn more from mistakes than we do from getting things right all of the time or having people tell us what to do all the time. Going back to confidence for a second, how are you going to raise confident kids if you are not letting them make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons?

Making mistakes is a part of life, and it’s also important that you are letting them see that sometimes you make mistakes. You’re not perfect either, and they need to know that or they will spend their whole life trying to achieve something that is simply not achievable. At times, this is going to mean sitting back while you know better and letting them make their mistakes even though as a parent that will be one of the hardest things you ever have to do. It’s your job to prepare them for life though, so it has to be done.

Teach Them Basic Life Skills

We don’t understand why there are so many parents who are content to let their children leave home without knowing how to cook, do their own laundry, clean things, and other general life skills that you just need to have. It’s basic survival, and as a parent you have got to make sure that your kids know how to do these things. The earlier that you teach them, the more chance that you have got of it sticking and them actually enjoying things like cooking as well so keep that in mind.

Basic life skills are exactly that – basic. You cannot get through life coddling your children and hoping that it will mean they see you more often. They need to be able to cook healthy meals for themselves, wash themselves and their clothes, and all of the other basics.

Lead By Example

As the parent, your kids are going to be looking to you for advice, and they are going to be looking at your conduct to teach them how to handle certain things. As we mentioned in the beginning, kids are very impressionable, so you need to use this power for good. Set a good example for your children, and they will follow what you do. But, this does put a lot of pressure on you. We understand that, but it’s the choice that you made when you decided to become a parent. 

You can’t let your kids down, as this is going to start a cycle in life that nobody wants to be a part of. Teach your kids that it’s important to show up for the people they love, and then back up your words with your actions. If more parents do this, we’d have happier kids.

Help Them Make Career Choices

The final thing that we’re going to say is that you need to help them make career choices when they ask for your help. If they don’t ask, don’t try to put in your opinions as this is going to push them further towards ignorance. If you want to help but they haven’t asked you, perhaps sit them down and ask them if they would like some advice from you. For example, they might say that they want to create perfect hair colors for people like cherry cola hair color but they aren’t sure how to get to the point where they can do this. Help them research. Or, they might have some idea of what they want to do but no idea specifically, help them go through their options.

The one thing that you must not do, is try to change their mind. It’s their life, let them live it.

At the end of the day, when you’ve got kids you need to remember that they are watching everything. It might not seem like they are, but we can assure you that they see a lot more than you think that they do. While life is not always easy, we’re not saying that you need to try and hide this from them, because they need to know that you struggle too. Teaching your kids that you are perfect sets them an impossible standard, and that’s not something you want. 

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