Tag: Single Parent

The Man-Up Project Episode 4: Choosing the Right College or No College: A Real-Life Case Study

My 5 children are now all over 20 years old. All 5 have gone through the anxiety of applying to colleges and the apprehension of waiting to receive an acceptance and financial award. What bearing does picking the right college or the decision to not send them have on their success in life?

I Joined DADD – Dads Against Daughters Dating

When I became the sole and single parent of my 5 children, my 3 little girls were ages 18 months, 4 and 8 years old. Obviously dating was not an issue to be dealt with at that time but my thoughts of what the future would hold in that area weighed heavily on my mind. I know most dads (and moms) think about these things often.

No Friggin Way I’m Taking Them to Chuck E. Cheese

I got my get-out-of-jail-free card by just following the advice of the famous philosopher, Nike: “Just do it.” I couldn’t quit my job. There was no one else to do it, so I just put my head down and worked my ass off all over the place. I needed to be a dad, and dads do things with children that are perfectly good and are perfectly acceptable to me.

Chronic Parent Syndrome and Multitasking on Steroids

One of the personality traits that successful parents develop is the ability to multitask. I don’t mean the normal kind of multitasking that one does at work where you complete an expense report while on the phone with the copier salesperson. I mean the kind of “multitasking on steroids” that allows you to handle multiple children at varying age levels, while having little sleep for extended periods of time.